As you build your career and possibly expand your family, you may need a house deposit. Your finances will potentially be at their most stretched at this point as you are faced with the increased costs associated with a mortgage, childcare or education.
You may find that other members of your family are relying on you financially and you may therefore wish to start saving to protect their future, as well as yours. This is also the time to ensure that you have adequate financial protection so that, should anything happen to you, your family will be financially taken care of.
Especially at this time when funds might be more stretched, it’s important to seek advice so that you don’t find yourself paying more tax than you need to. Your financial adviser can explore the tax implications and benefits of any financial decisions you make and help you select the products that could help you save in a more tax-efficient manner.
Your capital is at risk, The value of your investment (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested.
Make sure your family are taken care of by getting in touch with us today.